Tuesday, December 31, 2024

December 2024: Closing out the Year

Running stats:

Miles run:  285.3
Elevation gain:  22,674'
Weekly miles (for weeks ended in month):  50, 59, 59, 50
Running distance returned to normal post-marathon;
higher elevation due to cross-country trip with runs hillier than my RI runs!

Primary running surfaces:  Roads (139 miles), trails (105)  
Primary running locations:  Charlestown (54 miles), Westerly (35) 

Other disciplines:
  • Walk / hike:  34 miles
Quick synopsis:
  • No long runs.  That'll change next month.
  • No races.
  • Eleven states:  RI, CT, CA, AZ, NM, TX, AR, MO, KY, WV, MD.

Interesting runs:
  • Joshua Tree National Park, California, December 12.  12 miles.  First time to this park; outer-worldly run.  
    Amazing unique scenery.  And fun fact:  "Joshua Tree" (pictured here) isn't a tree at all, but rather a succulent.

  • Saguaro National Park, Arizona, December 13.  6 miles.  My 2nd visit here.  
    Another really cool place to run through!

  • 13th Annual Christmas Light Run 🎄, Westerly, December 23.  5 miles.  Fun to keep up the tradition!

  • Newport in the Rain, Newport, December 28.  12 miles.  Rainy run pretty much on the half-marathon course, from Easton's Beach CCW around Brenton Point.  
    I love how every year someone places and decorates
    a small Christmas tree at Easton's Beach.





I liked my old plates, and the Plum Beach Lighthouse
(north side of Jamestown Bridge), but the plates
were seriously delaminating to the point
the final digit was barely readable 

Of course I love Beavertail as well!

Dec 5:  Christmas tree selection!
Went earlier than normal due to my 
impending cross-country trip, but the 
timing worked well with snow on the ground!

Love the old-fashioned aspects of this:  snow, cutting and
hauling your own Christmas tree.  As with manual transmission
drivers, I'm in the minority of Americans that buy a real
Christmas tree (23%), but it's how I grew up and what makes
me happy!

8.5' Korean Fir

Dec 22:  First day back from 11-day cross country trip.
Happy to be back for a run with Brady; a little snow for Christmas
was an added bonus


Looking ahead to January:

Just one race planned:
  • Winter Wonderland 5-Mile Race, Milford, CT, January 25.  First race of the 2025 USATF-CT Road Grand Prix series.


Monthly highlight: 
Running in Joshua Tree National Park. (will have a separate post on overall trip w/ more photos)

Monthly lowlight: 

Spending time in Arkansas, especially in Paris, Arkansas.  My first time ever to this state, and while I had low expectations, it was even worse than I had imagined.  Run down, dilapidated houses with trash strewn in the yards, impoverished, and redneck.  I Googled "most redneck state" and Arkansas came up.  No surprise there.  (On the opposite spectrum, least redneck:  CT, RI, HI, MA, NJ).

Friday, December 27, 2024

November 2024: Marathon Age-Group Course Record at Indianapolis!

Running stats:

Miles run:  197.2
Elevation gain:  9,546'
Weekly miles (for weeks ended in month):  56, 47, 23, 37, 57
Sharp drop in both mileage and elevation in November.
Low mileage reflects marathon taper and recovery;
low elevation reflects training for and running a flat marathon (Indianapolis).

Primary running surfaces:  Roads (88 miles), trails (87)  Pretty much evenly split.
Primary running locations:  Charlestown (61 miles), Indianapolis (27), Stonington (20)  Obviously not a normal distribution, skewed by the marathon and lower mileage.

Other disciplines:
  • Walk / hike:  16 miles
Quick synopsis:
  • No long runs.
  • Three races.
  • Five states:  RI, CT, PA, OH, IN.


Interesting runs:
  • C-town MLR, Charlestown, November 1.  13 miles, with 4 of them at MP for my final pre-marathon workout.  Hit my targets with mid 6:20s.  
  • Easy & Breezy, Narragansett, November 25.  12 miles.  Fun run on a mix of South County Bike Path and quiet roads.  



Indianapolis Marathon (November 9):
Indianapolis, IN

This was my goal marathon race of the year.  Signed up back on New Year's Day to get "monumental" pricing, had a single goal of taking down the M60+ age group CR, and got it by more than 3 1/2 minutes!
Thrilled to get my name up on the leaderboard!

Coming in to the finish

Race report here

Li'l Rhody Runaround (November 17):
Charlestown, RI

In retrospect, I should have either run the shorter 4M course or better yet, just skipped this race.  I clearly wasn't recovered from the marathon a week earlier, and I paid for it as I was sore both during and after the race, which really shouldn't be the case for a relatively easy 8M trail race.  53:03, one of my slower times in recent years.
Finished well, but couldn't
make up for lost ground

Pie Run (November 28):
Middletown, RI

Final race of the year.  My 4th and unfortunately slowest time running this fun Thanksgiving Day race in a 31:02.  Still won my age group, as everyone was penalized to some extent by the wind and rain.



Nov 1:  Great post-run lunch and refuel after a workout
in Charlestown

Nov 9:  Toledo, Ohio, on way home from marathon.
Nice to stop for dinner with my cousin Bill and his wife Marsha.

Nov 15:  Beach Pond, Exeter.  Leading a WLT hike
on the Tippecansett and Pachaug trails.


Looking ahead to December:

While I'm done with races for the year, my key adventure will be an 11-day cross-country trip from California back to Rhode Island.


Monthly highlight: 
Indianapolis Marathon, and taking down the M60+ course record in a 2:53:26.

Monthly lowlight: 
Li'l Rhody Runaround:  live and learn that an 8-mile trail race is just too much for me a week post-marathon.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Pie Run 2024


Middletown, RI
Thanksgiving Day 2024

This was my 4th time running in Newport County YMCA's annual Thanksgiving Day Pie Run.  Previous years running this race:
  • 2016:  30:08
  • 2019:  31:01
  • 2022:  29:20
Picked up Keith and the four of us (including Brady and Jana) were off.  On the way over, Keith asked if I had a goal in mind.  I explained that just two years ago I ran 29:20, and said anything sub-30 I would be happy with.  When I asked him the same, he had a smarter answer of having A, B, and C goals.  I do often have those, but typically reserve that wider range for goal races (of which this was not one).

It was forecast to be raining and windy during the race, but when we arrived at the Newport County Y, we remarked that it didn't seem that bad.  Did we luck out?  Wishful thinking as we were still about 75 minutes before race start.  We got a really good parking spot almost in view of the start/finish line.  Wind was "only" 10mph as went for a warm-up run with Brady and Keith, and it was not raining (yet).

I went for a 2-mile run, and Keith continued on for another 2.  I had plenty of time to change into race gear, including singlet and NB NYC Marathon Elite V3 shoes.  Opted to go inside to use "real" bathrooms and stretch a bit, coming back outside with just ten minutes to go.  Ran a few strides and just two minutes before race start, Keith and I took off and handed our quarter-zips to Jana for safe keeping until the finish.

The timer motioned for us to move right up to the starting mats.  I noticed the timer was on oxygen, and I'm thinking this can't be good.  Unfortunately with a dog barking repeatedly, I couldn't hear any of the race instructions.  If there were any mention that we were about to start or a countdown, I didn't hear it, and all of a sudden a gun went off (I heard that!) and it was time to go.
Start of race.  In blue singlet and blue cap.

Mile 1:  Wind had increased to 13mph and just a few raindrops now.  As with many races, a bunch of runners blew past me at the start, and many of the them I had re-passed by the end of the mile.  Mile 1 split 6:03.  Not where I wanted to be, but it's still early.

Mile 2:  We continue out to Easton's point in a partial headwind.  I'm still passing a few people here, but feel like I'm barely moving.  Mile 2 split is a 6:18.  Yeah, this race is about over for me in terms of a sub-30 shot.

Mile 3:  Holy moly, headwind picked up with gusts of over 20mph as we head down Sachuest Point Road to the turnaround.  I see the lead trio heading back towards me.  This is rough.  6:21.

Mile 4:  Turned around and headed towards home.  We're with the wind now, but we do have a 100' climb up past St George's.  6:24.  

Mile 5:  Final mile downhill with the wind.  I actually pass a couple of runners here and have a fast 5:37 closing mile, but my race is shot.  
Finishing in light rain

Final result:  31:02, 15th of 667 overall, 1st in age group.  Full results here

Besides winning my age group, I was also the first 50+ today, and I was one second off from being 1st master.  But in terms of time goals, not only did I miss sub-30, I didn't break sub-31 even.  I try to rationalize this with the wind obviously a factor.

I am getting cold standing around in the wind and rain, so I head out immediately for a cool-down with Keith and Jacob Mageira (and Brady!).  Post cool-down, I take a hot shower at the YMCA, get my award for a 1st place age group finish, and we're out of there.
Age group award:
Sweet potato pie,
and a bag containing a winter hat
and a $15 gift card to Custom House

Stopped at Custom House on the way out to redeem our gift cards, but unfortunately they're closed for the Thanksgiving holiday.  Today's race didn't go my way, but weather was clearly a factor and I'll be back.

Monday, December 23, 2024

Li'l Rhody 8-Miler 2024

Charlestown, RI
Sunday, November 17, 2024

The 34rd annual  Li'l Rhody Runaround Trail Races.  My 20th time running in the race, although unfortunately not consecutively, as last year I had to sit out due to a broken rib.  So the only two consecutive streaks I still have going are Blessing of the Fleet 10-Mile race and Stavros Memorial On the Beach run, both at 22 consecutive years.

As Race Director I had already gotten in my pre-race remarks, for whoever listened to them, when I headed to the start.  At the start line, I was asked by the timing company to give any additional remarks now that I had a captive audience lined up, but I declined, as I really wanted to have the race start on time (we had a late start at Grills).
Start of the 2024 Li'l Rhody

Race start and first half:  On the first 3/4 mile heading down the dirt road (Sanctuary Road), as expected, my younger WTAC teammates Jared and Matt were both pretty much even with me.  Jared pulled ahead of me at the course split as we entered the single-track, but I wasn't far behind him as we went through the campground.  The rest of the first half was pretty uneventful with no changes in position, but I could sense at least one runner and probably more directly behind me the whole way.  At the water stop, I was surprised to see retired WTAC runner John Hammett handing out water, which was much appreciated on this very warm November day approaching 60°F.  

(Sidenote:  we were in a drought where for the first time in my 20+ years of participation no outdoor fires were allowed in the state, and if there were a silver lining, it was that the warm temperatures didn't warrant the fires that have become a trademark part of this event.)
Fire from 2022 Li'l Rhody
(hopefully the fires and at least slightly colder temps will
return next year)

Back half:  After going through the water stop and onto the short section of Buckeye Brook Road, Matt Sweeney went past me.  He and I go back and forth in many races, so maybe I would see him again and maybe not.  Re-entering the woods a short time later, I became aware of soreness in my legs.  I shouldn't have soreness during this race, and certainly not four miles in!  But this must all be due to having run Indianapolis Marathon the previous weekend and not being fully recovered.

Just after the short rock scramble, Mitchell went past me.  He is a young guy I had just met a few weeks earlier at a Kelley's Pace run, and incidentally is from Indianapolis.  After a few turns, Mitchell was completely out of sight and I was running "as an island", not a position I want to be in, as I just naturally tend to slow down when not being pushed or having anyone in sight.

As we got towards the end of the trail portion of the race (about a mile to go), I was surprised to once again see a runner of me.  It was Matt, so Mitchell must've gone past him as well.  I exited the trail onto my least favorite section of the race, the final 3/4 mile all on pavement where I just try to hang on and hope that I don't get passed by too many runners.

As I made the right turn off Kings Factory Road onto Prosser Trail, I glanced back and saw Tommy 5K behind me.  While he's not in my age group, it did give me incentive to pickup or at least not slow down at all for the final 1/2 mile of road.  Averaged 5:54 pace on this final section, but it wasn't enough to salvage my slower than normal Li'l Rhody.
Within sight of the finish line

Final result:  53:03, 8th out of 177 overall, 1st in age group.  Full results here

Not the result I was looking for, and I think a lesson learned on racing hard a week post-marathon.  Not only was my time off, but my legs were sore during the race and even more sore that evening.  Live and learn?  A great race from a participant perspective, as it was our biggest overall field (4M and 8M) in ten years.
Some of the WTAC crew today

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Indianapolis Marathon

Indianapolis, IN
Saturday, November 9, 2024

Signed up for the Indianapolis Marathon just a few strokes after Midnight on New Year's Eve and secured the special pricing of just $85!  Booked our hotel (Hilton Garden Inn Downtown) back in January through the marathon site as well, as hotels book very quickly.

Fast forward ten months and we started our trip on Thursday, getting most of the drive out of the way that day.  With a 14-hour drive each way from Rhode Island, why didn't we just take the logical way of flying?  1) Brady (our black lab) was along for the fun, 2) I wanted to visit relatives in Ohio on our way back, and 3) I'm retired; what's the rush?!

Pre-race day:  After spending Thursday night in Columbus, Ohio, I went for an easy morning shakeout run with Brady on the paved and deserted Alum Creek Trail there, and then after a relaxed breakfast, we were off to Indianapolis!  Arrived with plenty of time in the afternoon to leisurely go to the expo being held about 1/2 mile away in the Indiana Convention Center.  Valet service was the only parking option when we checked in, which worked very well and we didn't need the car again (well, except to get home of course!) as the compact downtown is very easy to walk around.
This was just outside the front door of our hotel!
Monument Circle with its fountains and war memorials,
was certainly not what I would have expected in
Indianapolis!  And we will run past here in Mile 2.
Pic of Brady and me by Jana,
as well as all other photos in this post.

Race day:  With the race start at 8am, I set my alarm for 6am, with my customary time to eat breakfast two hours before a marathon.  Unfortunately the hotel breakfast opens at 6am weekdays, but not until 7am weekends.  Couldn't they make an exception with the marathon?!  Two small containers of Quaker instant oatmeal microwaved and half a bagel from the coffee shop across the street the night before, but had turned hard now.  Not an enviable breakfast, but it will work.

Laid back in bed until 7am, but never fell back asleep.  Went for a half-mile warm-up with Brady as he had to go out anyway.  Returned Brady to the hotel room, ate one Untapped maple waffle, stuffed five GUs in my zippered back pocket, and off for another half-mile warm-up to the start.   It was 45°F so I felt fine with my decision to skip the added hassle of the gear check (it went great at Detroit, but was a disaster at Philly, and unlike those two races, Jana would be at the finish with my clothes).

After a few strides on a street that was already closed, I went into Corral A (there were five corrals, A through E, corresponding to separate waves).  As with Boston, you had to show your bib to be allowed entrance into the corral.  With about 5,000 runners in the full and 6,000 in the half, I guess that equated to about 2,000 runners per wave.  There was also an elite section just ahead of us.  I went into the corral with about twenty minutes to go, and there was plenty of room for me to easily walk up to the front of the corral just behind the elite section.  I asked one of the attendants if we would be starting at the same time as the elites, and he said no, several minutes after.  At fifteen minutes before the race start, you can still maneuver around but it was getting full.  At ten minutes before, it was packed solid.  I have been in races before where you literally had to push and weave your way to move forward, and thankfully I had avoided that.

With five minutes to go, there were a few speakers, including gold medalist Cole Hocker.  It was also announced that there were runners here today from all 50 states and also 30 countries.  The national anthem played, and just before race start, the rope separating elites from Wave A was taken down.  Despite the advice given me on separate starts for elites and Wave A, this was clearly false news and I readied myself to start, which was just several seconds later.

Goal:  The primary goal I was chasing was to take down the M60+ course record.  This seemed doable at 2:57:07, yet earlier this year I ran 2:57:50 at St Lawrence Marathon as I fell apart in the 2nd half, so certainly not a shoo-in.

I had modeled three pace tracks to get me to the finish:
  • 6:15 pace for 20 miles, then 6:30 pace fading to 7-minute pace for final two miles => 2:49
  • 6:20 pace for 20 miles, then 6:30 pace fading to 7-minute pace for final three miles => 2:52
  • 6:30 pace for 20 miles, then 6:45 pace fading to 7-minute pace for final two miles => 2:55
Why project that I will fade before I even start?  Because after 27 marathons, I know myself.  For those that can negative split a marathon, very impressive, but that's not me.  Not even close.

I held 6:15s for 17 miles at Philadelphia three years ago, and for 21 miles at Detroit two years ago, so it seems fair to attempt it here at Indianapolis.

1st half:  The first mile was a little crowded, and I had to be careful as I weaved in and out a bit, as I saw one guy fall in front of me, another awkwardly careen into me, and I got elbowed several times causing me to defensively put out my own elbows to the side.

One mile in to the race, none of the above was an issue any more and I just focused on running my own race, as I was both passing people and getting passed.  I was pleasantly surprised that I was hitting my target splits (1st pace track of 6:15) pretty evenly early on.  Just last year at the Providence Marathon I got sucked in and went out stupidly fast in 5:50 first mile, but none of that nonsense here with first 5 miles of 6:13, 6:11, 6:15, 6:16, 6:14.  
In blue singlet, Mile 2, at the fountain.

Starting at about Mile 6, my pace slowed slightly into the 6:20s and stayed there.  That's OK.  A PR is probably not happening today (or perhaps ever again after Detroit), but still well on track for AG CR.  

In Miles 7-9, we were running along a river, not a particularly attractive one, but it broke up the scenery.  We were running northeast at this point, with a breeze out of the east at about 8mph, so nothing terrible, but could definitely feel it.  

The half-marathoners split off from us at about Mile 8, and it was so clearly marked and well in advance that I can't imagine anyone would have gone the wrong way.  Having half marathoners start and run with the marathoners at the same time can be a mixed blessing, and it was no issue at all here.  I've run in plenty of marathons where the half marathoners far outnumbered the marathoners, and once you passed the split, you were running in "no man's land".  Not the case here at all with over 5,000 marathoners and I could see runners around me the entire way.

At Mile 11, three fast looking much younger guys caught right up to me, and we ran together for the better part of a mile.  Two of them were hosts of a local podcast "Life in Stride" and very friendly and chatty.  I asked them if they were looking for low 2:50s (my most realistic goal at this point) and they said more like 2:45, so I wished them well and they were off.

Continued on my own in this mostly due-north section for the rest of the first half, before the course turned and headed south back to the finish.  We no longer had the full roads closed in this section, but always had at least a full lane coned off, so no issue.

Half marathon split:  1:23:44 (average 6:24 pace)


2nd Half:  I'm very happy with the half split, even knowing that there is no way this will hold.  "Putting miles in the bank" is not a great strategy, but that's exactly what I've done, and I'm hoping this will work for me to get the CR.  

I'm able to hold on to two more miles of 6:20s, and after Mile 15 I continued my slide of getting progressively slower.  By Mile 16, I just felt really off, and thought to myself this is not good to be having problems so early in the marathon.  I started thinking negative thoughts as I feared a repeat of St. Lawrence Marathon, where every mile after Mile 20 was slower than 7 minutes and I slowed to about a 7:30 pace.

In Mile 19, we had a small downhill to the White River, which we would run along for the next couple of miles.  This is where the pain began, which certainly didn't help my pessimism as my pace slowed further to 6:48.  At Mile 20, we were running on an uneven paved road with many potholes.  That was tough to run on, especially this late in the game.  Mile 21 and 22 were both just slightly north of 7-pace at 7:01 and 7:02, respectively.  The pain intensified, but I saw the following sign which resonated with me:

"Pain is temporary, but your Strava post is forever."

Cliché, but true!  I have four miles left, and I'm going to push through them.  I drove all the way out here to Indianapolis to attempt to take down the CR, and I'm not going down without a fight.  I pushed through the pain, stopped the "bleeding" of slowing paces as I dipped back south of 7-minute pace for the remainder of the race, and started passing some runners again.

The final four miles were kind of a blur.  In Mile 24, we rejoined the half-marathoners for the trek to the finish.  Of course, since they started together with us, this was really the back-of-the-pack half marathoners.  However, it was no issue, as unlike at Providence Marathon where the full and half join together and you have to weave around them, at Indianapolis Marathon for the final two miles where half and full share the same course, they have dedicated separated coned-off lanes!  Indianapolis does it right!

Coming down the straight as an arrow stretch of North Meridien Street, you can see the famed monument for over 2 miles, and the closer you get to it, the closer you are to the marathon finish.  I pushed through this stretch, as we finally turned off just before the monument, we have about a half-mile to go at most.  
Monument that you see for miles
and miles

Somehow for that final half-mile I manage to drop my pace down to a 6:33 pace as the euphoria of the crowd lining both sides of the streets brings me home.
Great pic by Jana of
my finishing strides

Final result:  2:53:26, 343rd overall (of 5,647), 1st in age group (of 104), 6:37 average pace, new M60+ course record!  Full results here

The clock may show 2:53:31, but my official
chip time is 2:53:26

I did it!  I broke the record!  I have a feeling now of exhilaration of hitting my goal (breaking the record by almost four minutes, actually!) as well as unfortunately just extreme pain.  So extreme that I have seemingly uncontrolled screams and physical tears over the next fifteen minutes or so, especially as I try to move and/or sit down.  
M60-64 age group winner, and new course record holder

I have no appetite for food at all, but instead drink so many fluids, including the amazing chocolate milk they provide, which tastes heavenly!
We were each handed an Indianapolis
Marathon branded winter hat at finisher line

Finishers' medal was just OK.
But really, they just go in a box anyway.

What went well:
  • "Resolution" pricing for first 1,000 runners on New Year's Day.  $85 for a major marathon is practically unheard of.
  • Multiple follow-up communication e-mails, including the important ones just prior to the race.
  • Great organization at expo, check-in, starting line, and finish.
  • Separate coned off 2+ mile finishing lanes for marathoners versus half-marathons was brilliant!
  • Marathon-specific shirt! (Half and 5K received separate shirt in separate color)
  • Chocolate milk!
I love this shirt!
Besides being my favorite color,
it's not often that I get a short-sleeve
marathon shirt.

What could have gone better:
  • Uneven pot-holed road at about Mile 20.  Certainly not the fault of the race, BUT maybe with 11,000 runners between the half and the full and all the money brought into the city, the race committee could have some sway to influence the city to repair this dilapidated section of the race.
  • They ran out of coffee drinks at the finish.  (You had your choice of a beer or some coffee drinks from a local coffee purveyor.)  Again, not the fault of the race committee, but it could have gone better.  (I know the majority would prefer and take the beer, but that's just not how I roll, especially after a marathon.)
  • I really can't think of any flaws attributable to the race itself.
  • For my own race, while I am happy with my time and position, and certainly happy with breaking the course record, I feel like I deal with a lot of self-induced negativity during major goal races.  Something I need to work on.

And that's a wrap on Marathon #28!

Monday, November 25, 2024

October 2024: Ocean Road & Block Island Half

Running stats:

Miles run:  307.3
Elevation gain:  16,344'
Weekly miles (for weeks ended in month):  71, 56, 80, 49
Slightly above average distance.  Average elevation.
Tapering down to fall marathon in early November.

Primary running surfaces:  Roads (156), trails (108 miles)  More roads for final month of marathon training.  I suspect this will change for November and December.
Primary running locations:  Westerly (73miles), Charlestown (63)

Other disciplines:
  • Walk / hike:  19 miles
Quick synopsis:
  • One long run.
  • Three races.  (Four technically, if you include Run for the Pumpkins, but I intentionally ran the shorter 5K version and ran it easy as racing Ocean Road 10K the next day.)


Interesting runs:
  • Workout Wednesday, Westerly, October 2.  13 miles, with 7 of them at MP, or even slightly faster at 6:1x.  Coastal run including Avondale and Weekapaug, and ocean dip at town beach.
  • Retirement Bliss, Hopkinton, October 3.  11 miles with Brady.  Easy trail miles on a really fun trail loop.  Yawgoog / Green Falls / Nehantic.
  • Tour de Newport, Newport, October 20.  22 miles, with 12 at MP.  Final 20+ miler before Indianapolis Marathon.  Fun coastal tour of Newport and Middletown on mostly quiet roads.



Ocean Road 10K (October 6):
Narragansett, RI

Fourth and final race of the inaugural RI Grand Prix.  My first time running this race.  The race is point-to-point and very flat, mostly along Ocean Road, from Point Judith Lighthouse to Narragansett Town Beach.  After a warm-up with teammates Nick and Meriden and then a bit with teammate Josh Ambeau, I stripped down to race gear, with my outer gear being tossed on a stone wall at finish for donation (I knew this ahead of time and planned accordingly).

Start of 2024 Ocean Road 10K,
with Point Judith Lighthouse in background
(You can see me in front row in green singlet and orange shoes)

I continually slowed and didn't really get the race I wanted, with a finish of 38:28.  There was a 10mph headwind, which could be partly to blame, but doesn't fully explain why I ran more than a minute slower than my Ottawa 10K earlier this year (37:11) and Middletown 10K also this year (36:45).
Finishing up

Still easily clinched my age group, with 2nd place in my age group finishing 6 1/2 minutes behind me.  20th overall out of 1,098.

A small, but effective, Team WTAC today

Full results here

Block Island Half (October 13):
New Shoreham, RI

As with Ocean Road 10K, this was my first time running this race.  Small, low-key race on a beautiful island in the off-season.  This worked well as a tune-up for my fall marathon, and I came in 3rd overall.

(From Block Island Times)

Grills Trail Race (October 26):
Westerly, RI

Our 4th annual Grills Trail Race saw almost 100 finishers.  My own performance in the 10-mile event was just OK at 1:13:45, as I've run it faster twice.  But the overall event was a lot of fun, and this year we heard many positive compliments especially on all the food we provided!

Finishing line setup.  Purchasing a digital clock
proved a great asset to WTAC.

Finishing the 2024 edition

And wood-fired pizza!



Oct 5:  Brady at Black Point, Narragansett, 
during a family walk

Oct 9:  Creative tacos at New London Food Stroll
with Jana

Oct 15:  Red-tailed hawk,
seen during a trail run at Grills.
Was amazed how close I was able
to get to it

Oct 19:  Fall foliage 
(North Camp Beach, Burlingame)

Oct 20:  Fantastic recovery food and drink,
post 22-mile workout,
at Provencal Bakery and Cafe, Middletown, RI

Oct 21:  Salamander!

Halloween 2024:
I miss the years when we got over 100 trick-o-treaters
(we had 8 this year)

Still fun to carve a jack-o'-lantern


Looking ahead to November:

Three goal races on the docket:
  • Indianapolis Marathon, Indianapolis, IN, November 9.  Goal race that I signed up for back on New Year's Day.
  • Li'l Rhody Runaround 8-Mile Trail Race, Charlestown, RI, November 17.  33rd annual.  Final WTAC race of the year.
  • Pie Run 5-Mile Race, Middletown, RI, November 28.  Run Thanksgiving morning race.

Monthly highlight: 
Grills Trail Race.  Highlight is from a fun standpoint.

Monthly lowlight: 
Slow time at Ocean Road 10K, almost two minutes slower than Middletown 10K and more than a minutes slower than Ottawa 10K, both earlier this year.