Saturday, July 6, 2024

Branford Road Race

Branford, CT
Sunday, June 16, 2024

First time running this race.  This is part of the USATF-CT Road Grand Prix, but it's the same weekend as Summer Solstice 8-Mile race, part of the USATF-CT MUT series.  Different days, but it would be too much for me to seriously race both and give both all my effort.  Last year I ran Summer Solstice, which I really enjoyed.  Maybe I'll alternate each year!

It's about an hour drive to Branford and I got there about an hour early.  The race instructions indicated that there is "limited parking at Branford Green", so that's where I headed only to find that whole area was blocked off by police cars.  Parking became catch as catch can.  After driving around a bit and finding a number of lots to be full, I parked on the corner of two streets in a spot that didn't look at all legal but I hoped I would get away with it with the race going on.  

The registration line was long but moved pretty quickly.  I went out for a solo warm-up before catching up with some of my Striders teammates.  I moved towards the race start (300' separation from the finish) about ten minutes before race start as I knew this race was huge and there was no seeding, so I couldn't afford to start too far back lest it impact my time.  

Race start and first half:  Temperature was about 71°F at the start, and unfortunately full sun.  With a race this size (over 1,000 runners) and no seeding, not surprisingly the first half-mile was a little chaotic.  I was both passing and getting passed by many runners.  Studying the course, past mile splits on Strava, and the elevation profile, I was roughly targeting 5:45 miles on the way down to the water and 5:55 miles on the way back.

My first mile split was 5:39.  OK, a little too fast.  Not sure if I got sucked out with the fast crowd, or was making up for a little weaving, but the second mile I had plenty of room and fared better with a 5:50 split leading down to the water.

I was dehydrated, parched actually, and taking water at every single water stop, but otherwise, still doing well halfway through the race at Mile 2.5, when we turned away from the water.
Course map.  Note:  course goes CCW.
(from my Strava post)

Race second half:  We turned away from the water, and up a massive hill, and that was where my race fell apart.  OK, two of those statements are true, and one is a "massive" exaggeration, as the hill was only 50' in elevation and not particularly steep. 

We were in open sun now, I was still parched, and the temps were into the mid-70s, which I was not acclimated to.  There were some small up and down hills for the remainder of the course, but I never got my pace back, running my final miles in 6:14, 6:10, and 6:01.  I just wanted the race to be over.

As I often do, I was fearing a much slower time than I ended up with, and was really surprised as I rounded the last corner to see the clock at 29:4x and ticking towards 30.  As much as I tried for a strong kick, I could not close enough ground to get under 30.

Race result:  30:02 chip (30:03 gun), 44th overall out of 1,428, 2nd in AG.  Full results here.

So as I wrote in my Strava post, "Not my best race, but not my worst."  Caught up with a few of my Striders teammates, got some food, and went over to awards.  I contemplated but never got out for a cooldown, as I just felt wiped out and by then the temp was 75°F and full sun.

What went well:
  • Race Director John Bysiewicz (JB Sports) does a really good job with the bevy of races he runs, including New Haven Road Race.  He's also very approachable!  When I has having trouble finding results post-race (due to a broken link), I approached him while he was busy at the beverage table and he took time out to use my phone and showed me an alternate path (and ensured the broken link was promptly fixed).
  • Immediate results (subject to above note)
  • Good website, easy to find info.
  • Pretty scenic course, at least Mile 3 along the water.
  • Good team camaraderie!
    Nice showing for the Striders.
    I'm kneeling, 2nd from right.

  • Nice AG awards!  Sweatshirt plus $25 Marathon Sports gift card.
    With my 50s teammate and AG winner,
    Mike Stadolnik

  • Team Mohegan Striders for the win in the M50-59 category!

  • Strawberry pancakes for post-race food!  That was unique!  And appreciated!  When I asked for mine without sausage (I don't eat red meat), they gave me an extra pancake and more strawberries instead!
    From Branford Road Race website

What could have gone better:
  • Parking wasn't exactly as listed in instructions, and was more find whatever you can wherever you can.
  • With 1,428 finishers, at what point do you have some type of seeded start?  At least for the top 100?
  • My own race, at least the second half.  It wasn't terrible, but I gave up on myself.  I do that too often.
  • Some hydration issue I was having.  Who takes water at four different aid stations in a 5-miler??!  I did at this race.  I was just dehydrated start to finish.  Weird.

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