Wednesday, August 28, 2024

July 2024: New Blessing M60+ Course Record!

Running stats:

Miles run:  277.5
Elevation gain:  15,635'
Weekly miles (for weeks ended in month):  55, 60, 61, 50

Consistent mileage and elevation for July

Primary running surfaces:  Roads (163), trails (96 miles)
Primary running locations:  Westerly (90 miles), then Charlestown (70) 

Other disciplines:
  • Walk / hike:  9 miles
  • Swimming:  2.5 miles
Quick synopsis:
  • Four long runs.
  • Two races:  both went exceeding well!

Interesting runs:
  • Green Hill 16, South Kingstown, July 6.  16 miles.  Flat route, but very humid (93%).  Surprised myself (in a good way!) with running a 6:46 average pace.
  • Woody & the Flies, Westerly, July 7.  10 miles.  79 DFKs!  Sucked the joy out of the run, and the one part I enjoyed was a dive into the cold Wahaneeta pond, but they were waiting for me when I got out.  Horrible, miserable blood-sucking creatures.
  • Water Hose Run, Westerly, July 14.  14 miles.  Another oppressive one (95% humidity), but nice to have T5K along on the run as we took advantage of various garden hoses, water fountains, etc.
  • Sixty & Still Kicking, Westerly, July 19.  20 miles.  60th birthday run, first 14 miles with Tom, last six solo.  Started at age 59, finished at age 60.  6:55 average pace.
  • Camden Hills, Camden, Maine, July 21.  8 miles, 2,200' elevation gain.  First of two mountain runs, with Brady, in one of my favorite places in New England.


Arnold Mills 4M (July 4):
Cumberland, RI

Final run in my 50s, and it went very well!  Ran my fastest 4M* race ever at 23:17.  If only it were certified, or at least if I got over 4 miles on GPS, instead of 3.99.

Fast finish

Good day for team WTAC, coming in 2nd overall in
first race of nascent RI Grand Prix

Blessing of the Fleet 10M (July 26):
Narragansett, RI

Just ecstatic to break the M60+ course record, which had stood for 31 years!  Something I had planned for almost a year, went after, and took it down.  1:01:28
Towards the end of Mile 1, on my
way to an age group course record!
And just ahead of frenemy Dave Principe,
two behind me in light green TNT singlet.
Previous M60 record was 1:01:55
My actual chip time was 1:01:28!


July 1:  visiting the Ninigret trolls with
Brady and Jana

July 14:  directing the very successful Sailfest 5K
in downtown New London

July 21:  Mt Megunticook, Camden, Maine
a fun short trip camping in one of my favorite places
in New England, with many childhood memories

July 21:  along the docks in Camden, after a mountain run
and a breakfast of blueberry pancakes!


Looking ahead to August:

Three races on the docket:
  • Run 4 Kerri 4M Road Race, South Kingstown, RI, August 4.  Fun race put on by a great family.  Another opportunity for an age group CR.
  • Bottone Mile, Charlestown, RI, August 7.  Not personally a goal race, but will be fun to see how this race turns out in its new format and venue (Ninigret Park).
  • Run the Ridge 10K, Laragh, County Wicklow, Ireland, August 17.  Also not a goal race, but destination races are always fun!

Monthly highlight: 
This is an easy one:  breaking the 31-year-old M60+ course record in my 22nd annual Blessing of the Fleet 10-Mile race!

Monthly lowlight: 
Woody Hill / Wahaneeta run on July 7, with a disgusting new record of 79 DFKs.  Such vile creatures.  

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