Thursday, August 23, 2018

Weekly Post 13-Aug to 19-Aug-2018

Monday:  5
Met with up T5K for a Stonington XC reconaissance.  Most of the course was in good shape, but there were two areas that will need some chainsaw action.

After hitting up Stonington, it was off to Wahaneeta for round 3 of my battles against wasps.  I believe the third time was the charm.  I didn't realize until yesterday's visit that there were two wasp nests instead of one.  And then I didn't realize until this morning's visit that there were three wasp nests instead of two.  I took perverse pleasure in watching the wasps die and fall to the ground.  With all three wasp nests sprayed and killed, and no more wasps flying around (finally!), I knocked down all three nests, inspected and re-sprayed all the eaves and by George, I think we got them.  How fitting that today in RI is Victory Day, that odd holiday holdover from World War II.  Today victory was mine.
Various pieces of different wasp nests
You will not sting me again

Close-ups of my departed friends top right and lower left.  Good riddance.
Tuesday:  8
Run #1:  Warm-up with Matthew in Mystic.  Matthew was running a hill run (8 x Mistuxet hill), so I figured I'd come along for the ride and company, albeit at a slower pace.  After a short warm-up on the Groton side of the river, it was time for the hills.   I got through three and was done.  The hill was only 70' of elevation gain, but two issues thwarted me:  1) I was winded at the top, 2) hip/nerve bothering me when descending steep section of hill.

Run #2:  Final Stonington Fun Run of the year.  :(  Was afraid I wouldn't be able to run the agreed-upon 7:30 pace with Matthew, but I somehow felt better on this second run and we ran an average 7:00 pace.

Wednesday:  1
One glorious mile.  Bottone Mile, same as it never was.  Separate write-up to follow.

Thursday:  7
Burlingame trails with Matthew and Keith, before both head off to their respective colleges next week.  They were both kind enough to let the old man tag along, so I did my best not to slow them down.  In the first two miles I felt like I was sucking wind and breathing like a dinosaur, but eventually as the trails became more undulating and technical, I actually felt better.  Weird?  No issues at all today!  I know I have a ways to go on my recovery, but this was encouraging!  A refreshing dip in Watchaug Pond was a great post-run treat.

Friday:  6
Another running day with Matthew.  My days of running with him this summer are numbered as he goes off to college next Tuesday.  Sweaty, shirtless shakeout in Watch Hill ending with a refreshing dip in the ocean.

Saturday:  7
Wahaneeta Trail 5K Race.  Separate write-up forthcoming.

Sunday:  0 run, 17 ride
The usual route of late, out to Watch Hill, along the shore to Weekapaug, and a coffee at the Inlet.  Only it started raining pretty good right at the start of the ride, and I was quickly drenched.  Well, we're out there now, so might as well continue.  Fortunately, the rain let up a bit.  Today's coffee was hot for a change, due to the cooler and wet weather.

Weekly mileage:
Run:  34
Ride:  17

Weekly synopsis:  Highest mileage week since the injury in early June!  I was actually thinking of running on Sunday as well to get 40 miles, but chasing miles for me isn't a good strategy.  That would have meant running all 7 days this week, plus almost a 50% increase in mileage.  The only time I had true hip/nerve pain this week was on a steep downhill, and much of the time now I forget about any discomfort while running because it's so mild now.  I need to remind myself to keep doing the PT exercises that I don't like to do, as my core, hamstrings, and balance are all quite poor at present.

Weekly highlight:  Success of the Bottone Mile (both the race as a whole from my RD standpoint, as well as being able to run faster than I had imagined at 5:43).

Weekly lowlight:  Hip/nerve pain on steep downhill reinforced that I'm not ready for steep hills or mountains yet.

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