Monday, June 22, 2020

Weekly Log 15-Jun to 22-Jun-2020: Summer Solstice

Monday:  0
Planned day off.

Tuesday:  6
Wahaneeta / Woody Hill AM run with Brady.  I need to get out before work for these runs, or they're not happening during the busy work day.  It's also only going to get warmer and more humid, with summer coming on Saturday, so more impetus for predominantly morning runs for the foreseeable future.

Wednesday:  8
Got up for a planned solo local run.  With Brady following me around and knowing I was going out for a run, I opted to take him and went to trails at Burlingame to run the Rhody 8-mile loop.  Parked at the Kings Factory trailhead, so I'd get the roads out of the way first and finish up on trails.  My feet felt terrible running roads in minimum trail shoes.  Shocker, eh?  Don't know what I was thinking there.

Saw three ladies finishing up swimming (CarolAnn, Lisa, 3rd looked familiar) at the picnic area, and chatted for a moment.  I enjoy open water swimming outdoors better than pool swimming indoors, and the Y is working through their pool opening policies, so I'll opt for outdoors first.

The rest of the run was very quiet.  I saw two hikers and one mountain biker; otherwise, the trail was deserted.  Stopped at each stream to let Brady take a drink, but I also notice streams are starting to dry up.  What do runners do for ensuring their canine running partners have sufficient water in the summer?  This is new territory for me.

Thursday:  8
Got up earlier and got my solo road run in.  'Round the pond in 95% humidity.  Tougher to breathe today.  Mild shin discomfort, especially in the first couple of miles.  Hope it wasn't due to my bonehead move of wearing minimus trail shoes on a route that has a couple of miles of asphalt.  Got it done.  Not pretty.

Friday:  5 run, 2 walk
AM:  Woody Hill with Brady.  Very humid.  Took it slow.  First, second, and third deerfly kills of the year.
You know what this is, right?  Drat.  I've served once before,
several decades ago.  It was a civil case of a pregnant woman in her third trimester
who rented a moped on Block Island, crashed, and lost her baby she was carrying,
and she sued the moped rental company.  Sad situation, but ultimately, the
moped company wasn't liable and probably shouldn't have been on a moped.
The company settled anyway and the case ended.  I remember a lot of wasted time
sitting around in courtrooms, and I certainly don't want to do that with a mask on
in these times.

PM:  Bradford Preserve walk after dinner with Jana and Brady.  Pretty much deserted.  WHS XC course in reverse.  As we were finishing up, a large chocolate lab passed right by Jana and startled her on its way to check out Brady.  It must have been twice Brady's size, but as with all Labrador Retrievers I've ever seen, it was super friendly.  Its owner apologized, but really, it was no issue at all, especially once Jana realized it wasn't really a bear!

Saturday:  8
Barn Island, with Matthew and Brady.  Perhaps one of the last runs of the summer here (although technically not the start of the summer until 4 hours after our run), as the Barn gets overgrown on the seldom used single-track and remains so until the first frost.  95% humidity, hot, sticky, soupy, and buggy, although no deerfly bites today.

In the parking lot, a guy with a feisty dog just smaller than Brady asked if we'd be taking Brady off-leash on the trails.  When I told him yes, but I'd be carrying a leash in case we ran into a bunch of people, he said good and took his dog off-leash.  Am I a bad influence?  The two dogs were really happy to play together, and as Matthew and I started our run, both followed us, even when we took a different trail and the owner was no longer anywhere in sight.  Uh oh.  Should we go back?  We stopped to assess, and the dog came up to me and jumped right up on me!  He was just really playful, but eventually, he turned back to find his owner.

Sunday:  28 ride, 10 run
AM:  Bike with Mike.  Hey, that rhymes!  I'm a poet, and I don't even know it.  Yeah, yeah.  Anyway, after a long absence of getting together with running (and biking) friends, it was good to get out for a ride with Mike.  Misquamicut, Weekapaug, and Quonochontaug, with a coffee stop at Dave's Coffee. Dave's is still only taking order via mobile app, with reduced hours and inside seating.  Who wants a couple of sweaty bikers inside anyway?  Worked out just fine, and good catch-up for sure.  When finishing up the ride, ran (rode?) into Tommy, Shara, and family finishing up a stroller 10K run in Misquamicut, and then very close to home, ran into Jana and Brady out for a run on Shore Road.  Brady didn't even recognize me with the helmet!  When I spoke to him, then he got really excited, although probably wondering I was wearing a weird hat and spandex.  Jana told me later that he cried when Mike and I left!

PM:  Barefoot beach run solo.  It was supposed to be with Mike, but we got our signals crossed and that didn't work out.  That's OK, the summer is young (as in first full day of summer), so plenty of opportunities.  I actually did catch up with Mike and his family down at Seaside towards the end of my run.  Hundreds and hundreds (thousands?) of people on the beach, primarily packed into the state beach.  That's where I ended up going, as I didn't get a town sticker yet, and every other beach was charging $30!!  Per day!  Highway robbery!
Will have to figure out what we can salvage for a summer vacation.  It seems flying is likely a no-go for us this summer.
Driving and camping may be our best and safest bet.  But even there, many campgrounds aren't open yet, won't be opening,
or are opening but restricted to their own state's residences.  Meanwhile, US-Canada border still effectively closed through
at least July 21.
Weekly mileage:  45 run, 28 bike, 2 walk

Weekly synopsis:  Didn't hit my weekly goal of 50, but close enough for government work.  What the heck does that mean?  How many colloquial phrases do I use without knowing their true meanings?  Anyway, I digress.  All in all, a good week.  Trails, beach, and a little bit of road.

Weekly highlight:  Nothing especially stands out.  Had a good time catching up with Mike.  That's probably it.

Weekly lowlight:  Humidity, deerflies, and jury duty.

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