Monday, September 28, 2020

Weekly Log 21-Sep to 27-Sep-2020: A Down Week

Miscellaneous ramblings:
  • Race after race is falling by the wayside due to COVID.  Last week Avondale 5K was cancelled, this week RISP (it went virtual, but kind of the same thing).
  • DD has come out with cereal!  I enjoy cereal nearly every morning, and I like a good mocha latte, but the two don't mix in my book.  Stick to your knitting.

  • First time ever using a professional aerator on our lawn.  Jana said it looks like we have poop all over our lawn:
Yeah, I guess it does kind of look like goose poop!
  • Nature's camouflage is just awesome!  Look closely:

Monday:  0 run, 2 walk
Typical Monday off from running.  Post-work walk with Jana and Brady in Champlin Glacier Preserve.  Final evening of summer.  Started at dusk; finished in pitch dark.

Tuesday:  2 walk, 5 run
AM:  Trail maintenance as part of CCC crew.  First time at Flora Whitely Preserve in quite a long time.
AM:  Since that finished up a little early, stopped at Bradford Preserve on the way back and ran the Pumpkins 8K course.  That was in great shape.

Wednesday:  0
Took the day off from work, and had grand visions of accomplishing so much, including an afternoon MLR.  Yeah, didn't happen that way, and the day got away from me.  On the plus side, I did aerate the lawn, uninstall our broken dishwasher and install the new one, and overseed part of the lawn.

Thursday:  10
Barefoot beach run with Brady.  Low tide, temps in 50s, sunny, very few rocks, no seaweed, the tourists are gone.  What's not to love?!

Friday:  6
After work solo run in Misquamicut.  Warm and muggy.  Was impressed by two acts of kindness by random drivers: 1) stopped waiting to cross abnormally busy Winnapaug Ave with a long line of cars when one stopped him and all the cars behind him to let me cross, and 2) on Crandall Ave, a woman with plenty of room to turn in her driveway before my approach chose to stop instead and wait for me to pass.  I had the right of way in neither case.  Restored a little of my faith in humanity.

Saturday:  7
"Group" run:  Tommy, Riley, Brady, me.  First run with T5K in quite some time; it was good to get together.  Mix of dirt roads and easy single-track at Burlingame campground area and Kettle Pond trails, followed by a dip in Watchaug Pond.  Water getting noticeably colder.  I still have a few dips left in me this year, but between the colder water and colder air temps once you get out, they are winding down.  :(

Sunday:  10
Fun run with Brady in Yawgoog and up and around Greens Falls Pond in nearby CT.  Brady looked like he was done on the last couple of miles.  I think it was due to the heat and humidity, as despite being the last week of September, it was about 70 degrees and 98% humidity.
I'm assuming this was left over by some trail 
maintenance.  If so, clever use of cut down down trees.
(At the intersection of yellow and green trails
on west side of Yawgoog Pond)

This guy was out for a stroll on the trail, 
and retracted his head instead the shell just before the
thing with the black paws at top of photo came jumping over him.

I probably should've carried water for him today,
but fortunately on this route we passed by many bodies of water
for him to stop and get a drink.
(At Green Falls Pond, just above dam)

Ran into Eric Winn and his dog early in the run.  Eric was running the technical trails barefoot!  The ultramarathoner and many-time Ironman is planning to be at Run for the Pumpkins trail race next Saturday.
Looking like fall out there today,
but feeling more like summer
(On west edge of Green Falls Pond)

Lots and lots of geese out for a swim in Yawgoog Pond,
at Three Point waterfront

Weekly mileage:  38 run, 4 walk

Weekly synopsis:  For a non-race week, I'm disappointed in myself with the mileage.  Yes, I had a busy week between work, Land Trust meetings, and a bunch of stuff going on at the house, but where there's a will, there's a way.  I see people out running at 4:30 and 5am (well, on Strava, of course, I'm not awake then), so if they can get it done, I can do.  I have planned races the next three consecutive weekends, so I've got to put in the time weekday mornings and get out there.

Weekly highlight:  For company, the run with T5K.  Just a really good catch-up after a long time.  For trail fun, the Yawgoog/Green Falls run with Brady.

Weekly lowlight:  My laziness couched as being too busy.  

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