Sunday, November 29, 2020

Weekly Log 16-Nov to 22-Nov-2020: Minor Ailments

Monday:  8
Usually Monday is my day off, but yesterday being Li'l Rhody, it was time for my annual post-Rhody final sweep.  Ran it with my trusty companion.  I have to say the sweepers of both the 4-mile (West family) and 8-mile (Eric D and Kevin M) courses did a great job.  Only 7 flags total on both course remain.

There were quite a few presumably retired hikers out on the trails.  I long for those days.

Tuesday:  3 walk
Volunteer trail work with Westerly Land Trust.  Chainsaw and trimmer duty out on the trails.

Wednesday:  8
Lunchtime run with Brady, from Wahaneeta through Woody Hill and Bradford Preserve.  36° at midday!  But after about a mile or so, I warmed up nicely.  Really a great day on the trails.

Thursday:  4
Short late afternoon local run from the house through the fields and marshes in Winnapaug and Lathrop Preserves.

Friday:  10 run, 2 walk
Solo road run 'round the pond late morning.  Last minute meeting cancellation worked well for me and gave me enough time to get back before the next meeting.  Selfishly, it will not be easy for me to go back into the office (June 2021?) after having worked from home continuously for over a year at that point.

Despite first road run in 12 days (since Manchester City Half Marathon), I felt smooth and really good out there.  Other than the first mile, all my miles were sub-7 and I didn't feel like I was pushing it hard, except the final mile, which I ran in 6:13.

Late afternoon I ended work early and three of us (Jana, Brady, me) walked the Wahaneeta perimeter trails.

*** WARNING:  I describe a couple of gross temporary ailments in Saturday section below.  Just in case you want to skip around.  Maybe TMI, but my blog includes writing about how I feel.

Saturday:  14
Woke up at 4am with an uncomfortable feeling on my stomach.  Went into the bathroom where I could turn on the light, and quickly saw the culprit:  my repetitive nemesis - a tick had burrowed its mouthpiece firmly into the skin of my stomach.  Really disgusting.  Got out tissues and tweezers, but this was one of the most difficult extractions because in the typical bony areas the tick comes right out but in the stomach, the skin just stretches.  It was actually fairly painful and left quite a black and blue welt.

When I finally got up a few hours later, I headed to Burlingame with Brady and parked on Buckeye Brook Road to run a CW loop around Watchaug Pond.  Only I intentionally veered off the standard-fare Vin Gormley ("Yellow Dot") Trail frequently and added several miles today on some lesser traveled trails:  North Camp down to pond, Sammy C's, Kimball Preserve trails, Burlingame Trail, Ridge Trail, "Bog Bridge Trail", etc.

It was all going well, until just 3 miles to go when we stopped at the Covered Bridge.  Brady stopped to get a drink and frolic in the water, and I stopped to take a pee break.  Only, it wasn't just pee, and it was pretty scary, despite not being the first time in my life.  Gross hematuria; I won't say anything more.  By about eight hours later, things seemed back to normal.

Sunday:  13
Matthew is home for a month!  And Mark comes home tomorrow, also for a month!  Took Matthew (and Brady; does he ever tire out?) to run the Pachaug Half Marathon course that I ran last month.  Some of it is not fun as it's washed out from the dirt bikes (as in motorized), but there's also some nice single-track in the state forest as well.

Ran at a really weird time of 12Noon, and wasn't prepared for it as it meant no lunch.  Unless it's something light, I feel like I need a minimum of two hours after a meal before I can run comfortably and not feel like I have to throw up.

Weekly mileage:  58

Weekly synopsis:  Really happy with both the mileage and runs this week.

Weekly highlight:  The Pachaug trail run.

Weekly lowlight:  Ticks and hematuria.  Nothing else came close.

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