Friday, November 27, 2020

Weekly Log 9-Nov to 15-Nov-2020: NH and Rhody

Monday:  3 run, 6 hike
AM:  Whittaker Woods, North Conway.  One day after Manchester City Half Marathon.  Easy recovery run with Jana and Brady.
"Had" to stop and pose at this neat looking tepee!

Post run game of fetching the ball.
(I tired out before Brady.)

PM:  Kearsarge North hike.  6 miles round trip.
Nice views from the top of the mountain

Famed fire tower at summit.
You can see Brady and me if you look carefully.

A very happy and well-behaved boy!

There were definitely some technical sections on the hike,
as you can see here with Jana and Brady on the trail

Tuesday:  5
Final day (of five) in NH.  Parked and ran from Pudding Pond trailhead.  Two miles with Jana and Brady on mostly flat Pudding Pond trail loop, and then for final three miles Brady and I ran up and down Peaked Mountain (loop to vary it up).
Most of the Pudding Trail loop
was flat and easy, but leaf-covered

But obviously we had to watch our footing here.

Very well marked trail intersections!
I love these classic wooden signs indicating mileage to destinations.

After the run and checking out,
we had lunch and iced coffees outside in North Conway.
Temperature got up to 76°!  In November in NH.  Unreal.

Wednesday:  8
Veterans' Day run with Brady at Kettle Pond, Kimball Preserve, and Burlingame campground.  Ran with loppers and cleared up briars and overgrowth on the Kimball section of the 4-mile course.
Pulled this off my forearm at end of run.
Vile creatures.

Thursday:  4
Rainy Thursday.  Snuck a short run in at Barn Island, solo in the dark, before WTAC Rhody planning meeting.

Friday:  8
Rhody course with Brady, late afternoon in the rain.  Brady was ahead of me most of the way, and without fail, at every single intersection, he took the correct turn to continue on the Li'l Rhody course.  I think dogs are smarter than we give them credit for.

Saturday:  6
Rhody course marking.  Met up with Paul and Jonathan at 11am to start the marking.  Since I am supposedly the only one of the three that knows all the details of the 4-mile course, that was my assignment, while the other two split the 8-mile course.

After last year's debacle with the 4-mile course where a number of runners ended up going back into the field (where they saw flags) and running a second or even third lap, I marked the hell out of this course, putting down hundreds of flags and additional just purchased directional arrow signs.

Sunday:  10
Li'l Rhody Runaround.  Write-up to follow.

Weekly mileage:  44 run, 7 hike

Weekly synopsis:  Fun week with a nice mini-vacation in NH.

Weekly highlight:  Hike up Kearsarge North with Jana and Brady.

Weekly lowlight:  None.  A really good week!


  1. Lots of great adventures! Brady is living his best life. It’s about time you updated your blog!

    1. Thanks Tommy! Now waiting for your blog update ...
