Sunday, January 28, 2018

Weekly Log 22-Jan to 28-Jan-2018: Week of Non-Running

New week, new blog post.  Last week I whined too much about lack of motivation and the lack of preparation or even desire anymore to run a spring marathon.  Alright, move on, and figure it out:

Monday:  0
Planned rest day.

Tuesday:  7
51 degrees and pouring run.  Great recipe for a trail run, right?  Absolutely.  Solo run in Woody Hill traipsing through deep puddles, sinking mud, and COLD stream crossings.  And I loved it!  Really.

Wednesday:  0
Unplanned zero.  Stayed up late the night before, slept in lazily and lost my only window all day to get out there and run.  Need to turn this around.

Thursday:  0
Pretty simple:  I had zero motivation to run, so I didn't.  Worked nine hours at the office, and then came home and worked four more.  Ugh.

To further dampen my mood, I received e-mail notification that someone had stolen my Via Della Nocetta Climb CR in Italy.  Again.  So I had to flag it.  Again.  This must be the 4th time I've had to go through this.  If someone is even close to legit, I'll kudo them and move on.  Last time I Google-translated the person's post that took the CR and he actually wrote in his description something to the effect of "the last mile or so was driving in my car.  haha"  (the trail segment climb parallels the road he drove on).  Yeah, hilarious.  Why can't athletes have the common sensibility to fix/flag their own runs?  Argh.  This latest violation came from a runner that actually looks like he ran the course, but as his post shows he has purportedly world record smashing times in consecutive miles at sub-3 pace, yeah, I don't think so.

Friday:  0
Same story.  Triple zero; the first since June 2016 when I was sick as a dog with the triple whammy of tick diseases.  I have to face reality that at least for the next two months, for weekdays I can run in the dark in the morning or I can run in the dark in the evening.  Getting to bed earlier and becoming good friends with my headlamp is the best possible solution.

Saturday:  7
Charlestown Chili 5K.  Fun way to pass a few hours on a Saturday.  Write up to follow.

Sunday:  7
Avondale/Watch Hill group run on a rainy Sunday morning.  Jeff V has been putting on these weekly runs, posting on the nascent WTAC Yahoo run board, and having great success.  Most of the group runs at 8:15 pace, he has recently added a 10+ pace group, and when he advertised this past week that he was looking for a faster pace group (faster than 8:15) this week, it sounded like a possibility.  I reached out to Tommy 5K and he was game.  Met up at Avondale Farm Preserve where 10 runners showed up!  Ran the first mile with most of the group before Tommy and I continued at a mid-to-high 6s pace down to the Watch Hill Lighthouse and back Ocean View to Browning.  Between being all asphalt and the same route every week, I won't likely be a regular at these runs, but it's nice to have as an occasional option.

Weekly mileage:  21 (yeah, that's pretty embarrassing)

Weekly synopsis:  No valid reason for barely running at all, and missing 4 of 7 days.  I'm not going to whine here.  A week off never hurt anyone.  Let's use it as a learning lesson, plan to get to bed earlier, rise earlier, and get out there.

Weekly highlight:  The Charlestown Chili 5K.  I went into the race feeling in the doldrums, fearful I'd run 19+ minutes at the 5K.  Ran faster than I expected and had a good time in the process.

Weekly lowlight:  Continued lethargy and torpor.

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