Monday, June 25, 2018

Weekly Log 11-Jun to 17-Jun-2018: June Injury #1

Monday:  0
Planned day off.

Tuesday:  7
New London, CT.  Dropped car off at Audi dealer in New London, as was having a duplicate key programmed.  Was told it would take about 1/2 hour, so went off for a run.  Started with my fear of running sidewalks and sucking down exhaust fumes, but actually only for a very short distance as I quickly got onto back roads and after two miles, actually ran trails, real dirt single-track trails!  Ran 2+ miles of single-track, and then grass fields at Conn College, before returning to the dealer.
Fun running at Conn College

Lots of fields to run on.  

Odd thing happened at the end of the run.  After traffic passed, I crossed a main artery and stepped up onto a sidewalk.  Must have stepped in an odd direction or height, as all of a sudden my left calf was in sharp pain.  Half-walked, half-hobbled into the dealership, and was kind of glad my car wasn't quite ready as it felt good to sit down at their customer waiting area, have a water, and just relax for a moment.

Wednesday:  3
Westerly Fun Runs #2.  My left calf was rock hard by now and uncomfortable but not exactly painful.  Ran 6:30 pace with Muddy.

Thursday:  0
Giving it a break.  The calf is really uncomfortable.

Friday:  0
One more day off.

Saturday:  3
Calf is still rock hard, but less discomfort today, so made another go of it.  Easy run on the flat trails at Ninigret with Jana.

Sunday:  5
Greensboro, NC.  Heat and oppressive humidity galore.  Ran 5 miles from hotel on local roads.  Kept it "easy", although picked it up on the three segments I ran and managed to take all three! 
Surprised to be able to get this set of wheels as a rental car.
First time ever driving a Mustang.

Weekly mileage:  19

Weekly synopsis:  Obviously very disappointing volume, but it was the right thing to do to back off on running, with a calf injury that I had never had before.

Weekly highlight:  Oddly enough, the run in New London, mostly due to unexpected terrain of single-track and grass fields.

Weekly lowlight:  Clearly the calf injury.  Disappointing.

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